Thursday, May 30, 2019

28 Intuition: The Voice

Intuition:  The Voice

#28 in the Series:  Daddy, It's Me--Conversations of an Ordinary Person with an Extraordinary Heavenly Father

Have you ever been in a situation where suddenly you knew you should not be there and have changed course, not knowing what you might have avoided, but having peace that you saved yourself some grief!  Or…perhaps it went the other way.  You got that feeling, but pressed on and suffered for the decision.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

27 Call It Intuition

Call It Intuition??

#27 in the Series:  Daddy, It's Me--Conversations of an Ordinary Person with an Extraordinary Heavenly Father

Some years ago, I was taking a horsemanship class with my mentor.  During the course I had a strange, disastrous session with my high level horse, Promise. 

Thursday, May 23, 2019

26 Treasure Hunt: Wonders

Treasure Hunts: Wonders

#26 in the Series:  Daddy, It's Me--Conversations of an Ordinary Person with an Extraordinary Heavenly Father

Another type of treasure hunt that has yielded many gems has occurred when I have had questions about a given topic.  Perhaps I am reading a devotional or praying or meditating and I have an “I wonder?”

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

25 Treasure Hunt: Numbers in the Night

Treasure Hunt: Numbers in the Night

#25 in the Series:  Daddy, It's Me--Conversations of an Ordinary Person with an Extraordinary Heavenly Father

A few years ago I was visiting my older brother.  He told me of a way that God spoke to him sometimes through numbers on license plates.  Yes, really!  

Thursday, May 16, 2019

God Cares!

God Cares!

When you read this, my husband and I will be in the Modoc National Forest. It is a remote area where we will be able to see some real wild mustangs.
It was interesting this morning, when I was reading my devotions, the first thing that came up was Psalm 34. I thought it very appropriate in light of where we were heading today.

I hope you enjoy it and realize that God is caring for you and wants to free your mustang heart!

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

3 Dreams and Visions: Clowns and Lions

3 Dreams and Visions:
Clowns and Lions

#24 in the Series:  Daddy, It's Me--Conversations of an Ordinary Person with an Extraordinary Heavenly Father

In March of 2014, my life totally changed it's trajectory because of confirmation I received in a vision.  But let me rewind a bit back to Christmas of 2013.

Thursday, May 9, 2019

2 Dreams and Visions: Dark Haired Angel plus...

2 Dreams and Visons:
Dark Haired Angel plus…

#23 in the Series:  Daddy, It's Me--Conversations of an Ordinary Person with an Extraordinary Heavenly Father

One of the most incredible stories of God speaking through dreams has to do with my mom and dad.  Not many people are aware that my family consists of 3 biological siblings and 7 adopted brothers and sisters.  The last five came into the family as a result of dreams that my mom and dad had. 

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

1 Dreams and Visions

Dreams and Visions:  

Biblical Precedence

#22 in the Series:  Daddy, It's Me--Conversations of an Ordinary Person with an Extraordinary Heavenly Father

Remember way back in February when I first started sharing with you about how you can actually hear from God?  There were 7 ways on that list (See Gimme, Gimme).  I thought that was going to be 7 articles but they have turned into more than 20 now!  We have looked at how our loving Heavenly Father speaks through his written word, through his created world and by giving us special gifts of his presence to encourage us along the our way in life.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

6 God Winks: Cotter Pins and Sunbeams

God Winks:  Cotter Pins and Sunbeams

#21 in the Series:  Daddy, It's Me--Conversations of an Ordinary Person with an Extraordinary Heavenly Father

Sometimes a very little thing is a very big deal!