Thursday, February 21, 2019


Gimme, Gimme!
#1 in the Series:  Daddy, It's Me--Conversations of an Ordinary Person with an Extraordinary Heavenly Father

Imagine for a minute you have a child who is constantly asking for things.  When that child is young, you probably indulge him/her quite a lot.  As the child grows though, you begin to adjust your answers to help them grow to maturity.

Now imagine that child is an adult.  If the only time they come to you is to ask you for things, how does that make you feel?  How does it affect your relationship?  Do you have a relationship?  Do you ever wish you could just…talk?

Now remember a time you fell in love. 
How much did you converse with your loved one?  What did you talk about? 

I recently asked my husband, “When did you know you loved me?”  His answer was:  when he realized that we could talk for hours and he would be reluctant to hang up and couldn’t wait to call me again—it was then he realized he wanted that all the time.  He wanted relationship through intimate, personal conversation.

Like two lovers, I want to have those kinds of intimate, personal interactions with God.  (It’s ok, Dave doesn’t get jealous because he has the same.) 

          “As a deer pants for flowing streams, so pants my soul for…God.”  ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭42:1‬ ‭ESV

These series of articles are a result of this intense longing to not just learn about God, not just read the Bible, not even to just pray; but to have intimate conversations—back and forth dialog with the lover of my soul.  Sometimes these are deep, sometimes very practical, sometimes downright comical but always something that touched my soul.  I hope they touch you too.

At this writing I find there are seven ways we communicate. It is going to take at least that many more posts to share these with you.  To give you a glimpse, my loving Heavenly Father speaks:
  1. Through His written Word
  2. Through His creation
  3. Along the way—through meditation, others
  4. Questions and answers
  5. Treasure hunts
  6. Dreams or visions
  7. Warnings—gut feelings

Except for the first one—which is the standard by which all the others must be evaluated—these are not in any particular order except perhaps the frequency with which I experience them.  And there definitely seems to be seasons for the different kinds of communication.  There have been seasons when I have had dreams almost every night and then not for months or years.  Times I see parallels (parables) in nature every day—even multiple times a day—and then not for a long time.  The one thing that does remain constant is the value, supremacy, and constancy of the written Word.  I have especially enjoyed reading it in some of the newer translations and in comparing translations there is a richness that is not found in reading a single translation alone.

I hope you also “pant” after God.  As you do, He will quench your thirst and through your conversations with Him you will find new freedom for your mustang heart.

Welcome to the journey!

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